אזכורים בתקשורת

Ariel Malik

Ariel Malik – Each of us can help in the climate crisis

It is common to think that the climate crisis is a type of catastrophe that should only be solved through the professional tools of governments. Ariel Malik, an entrepreneur and investor in energy and biochemistry companies, claims this is not necessarily the case, and each of us can contribute to reducing the crisis. According to him, several simple actions can be done without changing life habits or putting in too much effort.
“Not enough people have switched to using LED bulbs,” says Ariel Malik, “and it’s a shame, because these bulbs reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 90% compared to regular bulbs. It’s also a worthwhile purchase for consumers, since they consume less electricity and last longer. In addition, avoid Open fire ovens, and try to heat the house with solar panels and less electricity.”

Ariel Malik

As a green energy expert, Ariel Malik: What else can we do?
“There are many. For example, if you are several guys who commute to work together, consider switching to shared transportation. It is convenient, more fun, and saves a lot of fuel, which is toxic to the environment. If you can, switch to electric cars or prefer traveling by train over Driving a private car. Recycling trash is a great easy and educational way to reduce the damage to our planet, and those who can transfer the waste to environmental composting facilities – that’s great.”

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